Connect with your clients before 30 June

This time of year can be overwhelming as there is so much going on. The Federal Budget has just been announced, 30 June is just around the corner and clients will be thinking about how they can prepare for tax time, ways they can boost their super and potentially maximise some of the tax benefits before 30 June.

Despite it being the busiest time of year for the financial services industry, your clients will want to hear from you.

This is the time when getting on the front foot and engaging and connecting with your clients can help you reap the rewards later down the track.  

Show them what you can do to help them

Communicating with your clients in the lead up to 30 June gives you an opportunity to be seen as a thought-leader, have your clients’ best interest at heart as well as building deeper connections with them.

Even the most educated and financially literate clients will benefit from hearing from you. An informed client provides better advice outcomes and are quite often easier to service as they have questions, and they are equipped with the relevant knowledge to work with you on their strategic planning. 

For new clients, it shows you are being proactive, and it helps you to begin building a strong foundation right from the start.

One of the most effective ways to reach a wide audience is via emails, newsletters, and even social media.

Ways to communicate

Social media is a quick and easy way to communicate with a broad audience. You can create posts that may trigger your clients to start considering what strategies they may be able to implement before the end of financial year.  

Newsletters are another way you can share content that is relevant and allows you to provide more of an insight into particular topics.

It needs to be said that only communicating with your clients at this time of year is not ideal. You need to keep them engaged throughout the whole year, this is how you will continue to make a lasting impression as well as improve and maintain the overall client experience.

Effective communication tools

Most clients expect to have regular contact throughout the year, and digital interactions are typically the easiest way to engage with them. Automating tasks can make it easier, especially in the lead-up to EOFY and having the right processes in place can save you time and money.  

While not all of your clients may have the opportunity to make additional super contributions before 30 June, you can still use this opportunity to get them to start thinking about the next financial year.

At Advant, we understand the importance of delivering content that is relevant to all clients. We make the process easy.  We have a library of articles that is updated regularly, written in the voice of the adviser, and we offer a range of time-saving communication services that can help you speak to your clients in a more effective way.

Be proactive – contact them before they contact you. Give your clients a head-start and watch your business grow.

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